Join the ASHM for a new series of gallery tours on Thursdays, every other month, each with its own unique theme and focus on the Museum’s collection. Tours are $15 for non-members, $5 for members and will include refreshments.
Get cozy at the ASHM with our special Museum, Music & Glögg Tour! We are offering two tour time slots at 3:30pm and 6pm. Enjoy our general gallery tour, with a few extra items on Scandinavian drinking traditions, as well as a glögg tasting between the tours at 5pm. The evening also features a musical composition by Lars Halldin, 18, a composer of Contemporary Classical music, which was inspired by the traditional Swedish holiday song, Staffanvisan, that he sang for years as a Star Boy in our Lucia Fest. His piece for string quartet, Staffanvisan, moves the listener through the long night that is St. Stephen’s night and the events described in the song, ending with daybreak. Lars will present a recording of his music at 5:15 pm.Space is limited, register in advance to reserve your spot.