Do you have a travel bug but COVID is keeping you from the world? ASHM is exited to bring the world to you with our Virtual Field Trip Friday program series! Each month we partner with museums throughout the U.S. and Scandinavia to bring their exhibits and collections to you. The program is 45 minutes long over the lunch hour so you can take a break from your day, whether at home or work, to be immersed in a Scandinavian cultural experience. Programs are presented over the Zoom platform and are $5 for members and $10 for nonmembers, registration is required and space is limited.
Our next Virtual Field Trip Friday will be with the Vesterheim, National Norwegian-American Museum and Folk Art School in Decorah, Iowa.
The virtual Vesterheim tour will showcase the best in historic and contemporary Norwegian folk and fine arts. Vesterheim’s exhibitions explore the diversity of American immigration through the lens of the Norwegian-American experience. This virtual tour will share highlights from Vesterheim's collections and galleries, and will even allow visitors to have an exciting behind-the-scenes look at collections storage areas! During this virtual tour, viewers will explore the breadth of Vesterheim’s collections of folk art, fine art, and other cultural artifacts. Velkommen to Vesterheim!
About Vesterheim:
Vesterheim, the National Norwegian-American Museum and Folk Art School, welcomes people of all ages and backgrounds to engage in the conversation of the American immigrant journey through the lens of the Norwegian-American experience, and to participate in the continual evolution of traditional folk art as it meets new influences. Vesterheim offers innovative and interactive exhibits, classes, and programs, both at the dynamic campus and park in scenic Decorah, Iowa, and online at vesterheim.org and Vesterheim social media. For more information on exhibits, classes, programs, tours, membership opportunities, and ways to donate and volunteer, connect at vesterheim.org.